Twin Peaks through ep 13: I don’t wanna be the boss.

Jules Reich
2 min readAug 12, 2017

The following post contains spoilers for Twin Peaks, season 3 through episode 13. It does not contain screenshots because I just wasn’t feeling it.

I stopped writing episodic recaps because to be honest, I don’t feel like it’s episodic. Allow me to explain.

Actually, I can’t. The thing is, I feel like the episode structure is if anything, a hindrance to getting Twin Peaks across. All this messing about with the roadhouse stage is a symptom of this. “This is what you expect from the end of an episode,” it begins, “but here are 2 more characters you’ve never met having an unintelligible conversation. Did you think you were going to catch a break? Go to hell.” Twin Peaks is not about eventually understanding, it is about accepting and dwelling in the dark.

Bad Dale isn’t really ‘Dark Cooper.’ Dougie is Dark Cooper. He is trapped inside himself, diving bell and butterfly style, trying to cope in a world of corporate chains, monogamy, parenting driven by fine motor skills, and all he can do is repeat the last two words he heard of any sentence. The weirdest thing is that it seems to be working.

Like death, and the enduring popularity of ‘Margaritaville,’ much of Twin Peaks is an unknowable mystery. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Not all art is meant to be understood. Nothing is shit, meant to be shoveled, you are sifting yourself out of everyday life to see something else, something different but not necessarily better. However:

I’m pretty sure Sarah is watching a video of an old Bushnell Mullins fight. Maybe he was a friend of hers, or more pertinently, Bob’s, and that’s why Dougie ended up working for him? I think Briggs took out Hastings from the other side, in the back of the cop car, because he was about to spill something Gordon and company can’t understand, not yet. Tammy is about to be tested, or her loyalty is. Wendy’s food is terrible. Not all kids need gym sets. Bobby has grown into a nice young man, and the women of the Double R will break your heart. Oh, and Ed is burning a note from Norma.

I have to go. I’m buying a bob wig and some bangle bracelets.

